Wednesday, 21 January 2009

I'm baaack!

"I wish I may, I wish I might..."- Breaking Benjamin, Wish I May
Well, I survived Ecuador! One could even say I did better than that. I climbed both Cayambe and Cotopaxi, and let me tell you, it's a pretty amazing experience to see a mountain jutting up above the clouds as your plane is leaving a country and think "I stood there, right there, less than a week ago."

More importantly, I got the experience I was looking for. I spent eleven hours climbing a glacier more than three miles in the air. I know what it feels like to be exhausted beyond belief, with a pack that feels heavier every second, and keep your feet moving anyway. I slept in a mud hut and played with villagers who have lived their entire lives within a few hours of one place. I saw a mountain range so beautiful it outdoes even the Rockies. I ate fried guinea pig, ants out of a cracked open tree branch...the list goes on.

And now I find myself embarking upon the biggest revision to my novel I have attempted. I apologize for posting a few days later than my predicted January 19th, but getting the schedule of my last semester in college figured out has been more difficult than expected.

Luckily, all this excitement means I have a lot to write about, from the difficulties of focusing during group travel to the uses of exotic beauty in fantasy to knowing your audience to yet more of the shortcomings of creative writing programs.

Stay tuned. It's going to be a fun few months.