Tuesday, 3 March 2009

One year!

"How much longer will I try before I realize I'm desperate in the situation that I'm in again..."-Eve 6, How Much Longer
It's been a year since I started the blog! Hard to believe, for me at least. A year ago I was crammed in a tiny room in London hammering away at writing the backstory for my novel. A year later I'm crammed in a tiny room in New York hammering away at writing the novel itself. A lot's changed, huh?

But of course I kid. In the meantime I've lived through some incredible things, found some amazing stuff to include in my writing, worked two internships in publishing, and learned more than I ever expected to about how to write. Most of it I've shared on the blog, which, by the way, had 1,259 hits from 968 visitors, with 162 returning visitors. Also much more than I expected. I guess even my advice has a place here in vast desert that is the internet. ;-)

Here are a few of my favorites from the 126 posts from the last year:

First Post
Fort Minor Leads Us All to Publishing Gold
Fantasy Worlds
Take a Deep Breath...
Career Building Can Be Fun
Why Every Aspiring Writer Should Work in Publishing
Writing Fantasy
Staying Human
Quick-Dry Characters
Whether 'Tis Nobler...
Sometimes the Pudding Just Sucks
Why Writing Can't Be Taught
The Rules I've Just Made Up
Delta Philosophy
More on Fantasy vs. Literary Fiction
Oh for a School Like This One...
WoW Lessons Pt. 2
Maturation as a Writer

Hope you've had as much fun as I have, and that you'll stick around for the next year. Should be an interesting one. No more college, hopefully work in publishing, the completion and subsequent revision of my novel, and more are all on the horizon.

See you there.

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