Monday, 3 November 2008

Oh for a School Like This One...

"I am Tarzan from jungle, you can be my friend..."-Toy Box, Tarzan and Jane
And he's stealing second!

Okay, apologies for stealing two blog posts in a row. Really, I promise to start being more creative soon. Hopefully.

But Nathan Bradsford just posted a blog post that almost made me cry with its message. In it, he lays out how he would create an MFA program. He also happens to hit just about every major problem I have with the way I've been taught Creative Writing and make me yearn for a school that actually taught how to write, instead of how to create art.

*sigh* Maybe someday. In the meantime I maintain that the best education available is through a) reading and b) working in/around publishing. The rest is talent and dedication, and you don't get either of those from a school.

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