Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Exciting Times

"Rain rain, go away, come again another day. All the world is waiting for the sun." --Breaking Benjamin, Rain
Alright, well, the greatest upside to being finished with that oh-so-disappointing World of Warcraft story is that I'm back to working on my novel. Yay!

I spent a considerable amount of time last night I should have spent studying instead going back to look over the list of changes I have written up for my next revision and I have to say I'm freakin' excited. I came up with a great concept over the summer that will really set my novel apart from the rest of the stuff out there, and I absolutely can't wait to implement it, despite the fact that it's going to be a boatload of work.

My novel is beginning to look like a novel, and not just like a story. Which is good, I think. I love stories, and I'm a firm believer that it's stories that sell and stories that touch lives and stories that matter, but it makes me happy to think that there will be something to the story I'm telling that stretches beyond the story itself. Hurray!

Moral of the story---it is a good idea to make big lists of changes and then wait to implement them, because you may be freakin' psyched to do it.

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