Saturday, 27 December 2008

More Adventures!

"They call me the bleeder..."-The Wallflowers, Bleeders
Alright, I realize I should probably have posted about this a little more in advance, but better late than never, right?

In about three hours I'm getting on a plane. That plane will take me to Houston. Then another plane will take me to Quito, Ecuador. Then I'll spend three weeks climbing mountains, dodging malaria in rainforests and sightseeing before a plane takes me back to the states, and then another set of planes takes me back to school.

Needless to say, the blog will be quiet for a few weeks. On January 19th, however, will begin the first of a series of posts about all the awesome things I found out in Ecuador. I'm particularly excited to have a chance to push my body to limits it's never gone to (climbing glaciers at 20,000ft ought to fit the bill), see what happens to it, and thus become much better able to write about what happens to my characters when they push their own bodies to the limit.

I should also get some sweeping vistas, meet interesting people, and learn a culture I know nothing stay tuned! I'd highly suggest subscribing to the blog via the link on the sidebar if you're a subscriber type. If not, check back in mid-January, as I should have some pretty good stuff up.

Catch you on the flip side!

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