Sunday 5 July 2009

If It's Advertised on Facebook...

"You'll always be the next in line..."- Meese, Next in Line's probably not real. Saw an ad on facebook today for a literary agency, requesting writers to submit to it, and thought "Yeah. Sure. Let's go check out this scam and see what their angle is."

Seems their angle is viruses and spyware, judging by the many warnings that popped up from Avast! as soon as I clicked on the link. Lucky my computer wears protection. So yeah, writer beware. Real literary agencies and publishing companies don't need to solicit submissions. They get more than they can handle just by having a website that's searchable by google.

And never trust anything you see in a sidebar ad on facebook, either...although that ad to become a professional bassist in two weeks looks pretty tempting---damn! More viruses!

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