Wednesday 12 March 2008

Hazah for the UK!

Exciting news today! At least for me...and other people who read/write/love high and epic fantasy.

I had to go to the big flagship Waterstone's (think Barnes and Noble, but everyone is British) yesterday to pick up a book for one of my classes. While I was there I naturally scoped out the sci-fi/fantasy section of the store. Of course, in the middle of the section was a big table full of books titled "Bestsellers." So I headed over to see what was making it big-time in the UK. And what did I find?

High and epic fantasy. Finally! Not a vampire, werewolf, detective with magic powers or motorcycle-riding vixen in sight. Nothing against urban fantasy, but I'm getting tired of hearing about how it's all people want to read these days. So hurray for the UK and its taste in fantasy! There is at least one safe haven left in the world for those of us whose tastes are a little more old-school.

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