Saturday 22 March 2008


Punting is what I didn't get to do in Cambridge today because it was way too freakin' cold. But it basically consists of standing in the back of a small boat ("punt") and poling it up and down canals. Definitely a cool thing, and a wonderful experience to have in the repertoire when writing.

Neat thing is, until the friend I was visiting suggested we try it, it had never occurred to me that it might be applicable to my writing. So even though I never got to try it, I still learned that a.) I should give it a try and b.) Maybe some of my boats should be punted instead of rowed.

Long story short, it's just another example of how fate often presents you with opportunities for growth as a writer, if you only manage to notice them.

In other news, I leave on my european adventure tomorrow, which means blog posts should grow more intermittent, but also more interesting. The next time I write it will probably be from an internet cafe in Rome, with visions of gladiators and ancient ruins dancing in my head. Stay tuned for that one.

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